Who is Watching Over Your Genetic DNA Information

People sending off DNA testing samples are usually searching for a lost connection in their family history. This is one end of the spectrum that makes 23andme an interesting opportunity for anyone with curiosity about his or her family’s beginning.


Discovering the link between present day families, and lost links with ancestors has been one of the leading contingents of 23andme. Now, the medical aspect has surfaced. No doubt, this will spike the interests of pharmaceutical companies and medical research centers. It is highly probable; none of these entities has government regulation over distribution of information in this matter.

On the other hand, DNA testing by any company is a perverbal mind field that could explode in the face of any one being tested. Evaluating the validity or intention of any DNA testing company is subjective. Some summations are clear. The FDA endorsed the 23andme testing kits safety in April 2017.


Control Over Genetic DNA Findings


However, the control over what happens to customer information once it is in the hands of 23andme or any other entity is in limbo. In the meantime, the companies can make as much money as possible selling, if they choose, a person’s genetic DNA data with no prior agreement or acknowledgement. There are questions that should be asked by the public and answered by authorities.


Yet, they are still the evaluation of an element that is hard to track. Is it for the good the public? Will the DNA sample be used for human experimentation? Will 23andme (genetic/ DNA testing) information on customers be used for sale to the highest bidder? Will DNA information cause harm to customers, physically, emotionally, or will there be some unforeseen backlash?


Another pressing question, will DNA providers have a say in how his or her DNA samples are used? The questions keep piling up with no answers in sight. Last but not least. Where does the government fit and will it quickly regulate the use of genetic DNA testing information? If so, can they be trusted and will these regulations be enough to keep the public safe? The questions go on and unanswered.


What does Genetic DNA Show?


Genetic testing has the ability to tell a person’s chemical makeup. It shows allergies, illnesses a person is likely to contract and a lot of other things research and companies selling various products might find interesting or financially enhancing. This information can also become a weapon against those so unaware of this seemingly simple act of spitting into a vial.


What Does 23andme Do with the Information it Collects?


The whole business of genetic /DNA testing is raising red flags. The FDA is looking at the safety of the testing. Although spitting in a container has never caused a health hazard. Yet, the usage of this resource is not being monitored.


The Genetic testing company holds the genetic record of thousands of individuals. Even family members who have never taken a DNA test. These and other persons are clueless as to the invasive consequences of this company. If the pubic was made aware of the possible continued use of their DNA for reasons, they never considered. Many would prefer to live in ignorance of their past ancestry. Thanks for reading the article. You can find more information on 23 and me on this website: 23andme Review.

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